Last time, we learned how to get Vagrant, Docker & VMWare Fusion running locally on our Mac development environment, and even convinced it to serve a trivial static blog through nginx. Today, we’re going to up our game and get a full Ruby on Rails application running in the docker environment, complete with separate containers for each service. We’re going to take the widgets app we were using to muck around with specifying controllers with RSpec, and see how to deploy it properly.
So, what would we like to achieve?
Being able to build and test our docker containers locally, since that’ll be the fastest way to iterate on them and build the right thing.
Separate containers for each of the separate concerns in the web app. Right now, I’m aiming for:
a front end nginx container, which serves the static assets for the application, and proxies to the Rails application server;
the application server itself, which runs the Rails application; and
a backend PostgreSQL container to store the database.
Pushing all our customised images up to the Docker Registry so that we can easily deploy them elsewhere.
Deploying the images onto a container host in the cloud, just to prove it works in production, too.
Sounds like a plan, eh?
PostgreSQL Container
The first order of business, since it’s easiest, is to get a PostgreSQL container up and running. Here, we don’t need anything special, so we can grab a stock container from the Docker Registry. Fortunately, there’s an official image we can use. In fact, we can just download and run it:
docker run -d --name postgres postgres
This image exposes a running PostgreSQL database on port 5432 (its well-known port), and has a superuser called ‘postgres’. It also trusts all connections to itself by anyone claiming to be the postgres user, so it’s not the sort of thing that you’d want to expose to the public internet. Fortunately, since we’re running all our Docker containers on the same host, we don’t need to anyway (though it’s still worth remembering that you’re also trusting all the other containers running on that same host!).
Our App Server
Let’s tackle the trickiest bit, next: building our own custom container that
runs the application. We can’t just pick something off the shelf that’ll work
here, but we can start from a firm foundation. For that, let’s begin with
This is an opinionated starting point, as it has a particular style of running
docker containers. In particular, instead of being a single-process-based
container, it has an init system, and runs a handful of ancillary services
inside the container. From this base image, we get:
runit for initialising the container, running services and supervising them to ensure they stay working;
syslog-ng for centralised logging on the container itself (which you may then want to configure to ship off to a central log server elsewhere);
cron, for running of scheduled tasks; and
an ssh daemon, which we can use to introspect the running container.
All these things would need further configuration for a production deployment (in particular, ssh uses an insecure public key which should be replaced ASAP!), but we’ll punt on that for now and focus on building a container for the app.
The Dockerfile
Let’s start building out a Dockerfile for our application server. First we start with some boilerplate, specifying the image we’re building on, and that we’re maintaining this version:
FROM phusion/baseimage
MAINTAINER Graeme Mathieson <>
Next up, we’ll install some system dependencies. For our app, we need Ruby 2.1, some sort of JavaScript runtime, and the appropriate build tools to compile our gem dependencies:
RUN apt-add-repository ppa:brightbox/ruby-ng
RUN apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade -qq -y
RUN apt-get install -qq -y ruby-switch ruby2.1 \
build-essential ruby2.1-dev libpq-dev \
RUN ruby-switch --set ruby2.1
And we can update Rubygems for good measure, then install bundler to manage the application’s dependencies:
RUN gem update --system --no-rdoc --no-ri
RUN gem update --no-rdoc --no-ri
RUN gem install --no-rdoc --no-ri bundler
Now we specify the environment for the application. In a production environment, we’d probably get this information from a configuration service, but since we’re just playing around, we can hard code them here, so at least the app can know what it’s supposed to be doing:
ENV RAILS_ENV production
It turns out that we can use environment variables we’ve set here, later on in the configuration file. We’ll make use of this so we don’t repeat ourselves when specifying the port that the application server will expose:
We’ll supply a simple script so that runit can run the application server, and restart it if it fails. The script is:
export DATABASE_URL="postgresql://postgres@${POSTGRES_PORT_5432_TCP_ADDR}:${POSTGRES_PORT_5432_TCP_PORT}/widgets?pool=5"
cd /srv/widgets
/sbin/setuser widgets bundle exec rake db:create
/sbin/setuser widgets bundle exec rake db:migrate
exec /sbin/setuser widgets bundle exec \
unicorn -p ${PORT} -c config/unicorn.rb \
>> /var/log/rails.log 2>&1
We’ll come onto the DATABASE_URL
later on, but it’s picking up the relevant
information from the container environment to figure out the database that
Rails should connect to. We’re also cheating a bit, in that the init script
makes sure the database exists, and is migrated to the latest schema. I
wouldn’t recommend this approach in a real production environment!
We install the script with:
RUN mkdir /etc/service/widgets
ADD config/deploy/ /etc/service/widgets/run
Now, finally, we can install the application itself, along with its gem dependencies:
RUN adduser --system --group widgets
COPY . /srv/widgets
RUN chown -R widgets:widgets /srv/widgets
RUN cd /srv/widgets && \
/sbin/setuser widgets bundle install \
--deployment \
--without development:test
This dumps the container’s build context (which is the directory that contains
the Dockerfile – in other words, the root of our project) into /srv/widgets
making sure it’s owned by the widgets
user, then installing dependencies.
Building the custom app container
Now we’ve got a Dockerfile
which describes the container we’d like to have, we can build it:
docker build -t 'mathie/widgets:latest' .
This runs through all the commands in the Docker configuration file in turn, and executes them in a newly created container which is running the resulting image from the previous command. This is clever stuff. Every new container is built upon the results of the commands preceding it. One key benefit is that it means Docker can cache these intermediate images, and only rebuild the bits that are needed, resulting in faster image build times.
So, for example, if we just change our runit configuration file above, then
rebuild the image, Docker will used cached versions of the images generated
from each preceding command, only really running the ADD
command to add the
new configuration file. Of course, since this emits a new image, all the
subsequent commands have to be re-run. It can be useful to bear this caching
strategy in mind when structuring your Dockerfile
: put the bits that download
and install all your dependencies near the top, while leaving configuration
files and tweaks towards the end.
Running the containers
Now we’ve built all the necessary containers, we can run them. First of all, let’s run the PostgreSQL container, which provides a database service we can link to from our app:
docker run -d --name postgres postgres
Next, we can run the app itself, linking to the running PostgreSQL database:
docker run -d --name widgets \
--link 'postgres:postgres' \
Linking allows an application on one container to connect to a service provided
by another container. In this example, it allows the widgets
container to
connect to services running on the postgres
container. This confused me for a
while; I assumed that the links were for specific services on the target
container. That’s not the case. The client container has access to all the
exposed services on the target container.
Better still, linking containers allows us to auto-configure the connection to the target container, using environment variables. That way, we’re not hard coding any IP configuration between the containers, which is just as well seeing as we don’t have any overt way to control it.
The --link
flag has two colon-separated arguments. The first is the target
container. The second argument is the label used for the environment variables
on the source container. Let’s try running an example container attached to the
container to see what happens. And let’s label the link “chickens”
just to make things clearer:
$ docker run -i -t --rm --link 'postgres:chicken' mathie/widgets:latest bash
$ env|grep CHICKEN
The environment variables that start CHICKEN_ENV_
correspond to the
environment set up in the PostgreSQL instance’s Docker configuration. We get
the container’s name and label from the CHICKEN_NAME
environment variable.
And we get each of the exposed ports (from EXPOSE
in the docker configuration
file) in a few different ways, so that we can easily compose what we need to
connect to the service.
Now you can see how we compose the database URL above.
Nginx Frontend
We’re still missing one piece of the puzzle: something to serve static assets (stylesheets, javascript, images, that kind of thing). We’re using the Rails Asset Pipeline to serve our assets, so we need to generate static copies of them, bundle them up in a container running a web server, and get it to forward real requests on to the backend. Just like all the cool kids, I’ve followed the trends through Rails web serving, from Apache to Lighty, back to Apache with Passenger, then onto Nginx. (I hope we’re all still on Nginx, right?) Let’s stick with that.
There’s an nginx container that’s ready to go, and it does almost all we need to do – serve static assets – but not quite. Still, we can start with it, and customise it a little. Let’s create a second Dockerfile
FROM nginx
MAINTAINER Graeme Mathieson <>
RUN rm -rf /usr/share/nginx/html
COPY public /usr/share/nginx/html
COPY config/deploy/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf
All we’re doing here is copying all the static assets (i.e. the contents of the
folder, some of which we’ll have to generate in advance) across to
the container, and supplying an nginx configuration file that passes dynamic
requests to the back end. What does that nginx configuration file look like?
server {
listen 80;
server_name localhost;
location / {
root /usr/share/nginx/html;
index index.html index.htm;
try_files $uri/index.html $uri.html $uri @upstream;
location @upstream {
proxy_pass http://widgets:5000;
So, if a file exists (in a couple of forms), it’ll serve it. If it doesn’t,
it’ll pass it on to this mysterious upstream called widgets
at port 5000.
Automating the build with Rake
Things are starting to get a little complicated here. Not only do we have to
remember to precompile the assets before building our web frontend, we also
have to remember to do it before building our app server too. (The app server
uses the generated manifest.yml
file to figure out the cache-busting names it
should use for the assets it links to.) With all these dependent tasks, it
sounds like we need a make-clone to come to our rescue. Hello, rake!
There are a couple of things that we want to manage with rake:
Since we’re now building two different Docker images, we want the appropriate
at the root of the repository, so that docker correctly picks up the entire app for its context. Let’s rename our existingDockerfile
and the web front end toDockerfile.web
. We can then get rake to symlink the appropriate one as it’s doing the image build. -
We need to precompile all the assets for the asset pipeline.
And, of course, we need to build the images themselves.
Let’s create our rake tasks in lib/tasks/docker.rake with the following:
namespace :docker do
task :build => ['docker:build:web', 'docker:build:app', 'assets:clobber']
namespace :build do
task :app => ['assets:precompile', 'assets:clean'] do
sh 'ln -snf Dockerfile'
sh 'docker build -t "mathie/widgets:latest" .'
sh 'rm -f Dockerfile'
task :web => ['assets:precompile', 'assets:clean'] do
sh 'ln -snf Dockerfile.web Dockerfile'
sh 'docker build -t "mathie/widgets-web:latest" .'
sh 'rm -f Dockerfile'
Now we can run rake docker:build
to build our pair of docker images, one for
the web front end, and one for the app itself. If you take a look at the file
in GitHub, you’ll see that I’ve also added some helper tasks to automate
running and terminating the containers in the right order with the right links.
Container Host Names
A little earlier, I noted that our nginx configuration was passing dynamic requests up to a mysteriously named back end:
location @upstream {
proxy_pass http://widgets:5000;
So what’s that all about? Well, when we link containers together, in addition
to creating all those environment variables to help us configure our container,
it also writes the label out to /etc/hosts
, giving us a name -> ip address
mapping for the linked container. Let’s run a sample container to see this in
$ docker run -i -t --rm --link 'widgets:chickens' mathie/widgets-web:latest bash
root@45aa608114f8:/# ping chickens
PING chickens ( 48 data bytes
56 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=7.931 ms
Winning. This is particularly useful for the likes of nginx, where we can’t use environment variables in that particular context. Our alternative would have been to figure out some sort of template nginx configuration that had variables we could substitute when the container was run, and that would have been too much like hard work!
Running the web front end
So, to recap, now we have two running containers: one for PostgreSQL, and one for the app itself. And we’ve built two custom containers: one for the app itself, and one with static assets for the web front end. The final piece of the puzzle is to start up the web front end:
docker run -d \
--name widgets_web \
-p 80:80 \
--link "widgets:widgets" \
We’re launching it with the custom container, binding port 80 on the container to port 80 on the docker host, and linking the container to the app server. If you’ve followed the instructions in part 1 (in particular, around giving the docker host a name, and running avahi for mDNS), then you should now be able to visit http://docker.local/ and see the running app.
In Summary
It feels like it’s been a long trek to get here, but we’ve achieved a lot:
We’re building custom Docker containers, starting from existing containers supplied by the community. And we’ve automated the build with Rake, so it would be trivial for our Continuous Integration system to automatically build these images every time we push up some new code.
We’ve got an entire docker environment running locally, which will closely resemble our production environment. This will give us closer parity between development and production, reducing the scope of production-only errors, and improving our (still inevitable) production debugging experience.
And we’ve learned how Docker actually works for linking containers, with both the environment variables available, and the host names supplied by Docker. Personally, I’m most pleased about that, because I hadn’t properly understood it until now!
I do have one question that you might know the answer to, if you’ve suffered
your way through this entire rambling article: in a Docker configuration file,
what’s the difference between COPY
and ADD
? The only difference I can see
is that ADD
will accept source URLs in addition to files in the image’s build
context. I suspect there’s a subtle difference in caching behaviour, but I
could be way off base!