Update Make sure you read the comments on this post before considering it. In particular, Pete brings up some concerns about applications having data which is already UTF-8, but marked as Latin1 in the database, may cause problems.

So you’ve got this Rails application you’ve been developing and all of a sudden you need to support Unicode. After all, not everybody speaks English. And some really awkward people like all sorts of typographic symbols in their medical articles. In fact, you wouldn’t believe all the weird characters these print-production-oriented people like to use…

Most of the instructions here were gleamed from a jabbering giraffe and the notes I wrote up from his talk. But I like to think I’ve had a bright idea of my own. :-) Note that these instructions assume you’re using Ruby 1.8.x, MySQL >= 5 and edge (soon to be 1.2) rails.

OK, so to get Rails basically talking UTF-8, you have to do a couple of things. Firstly, make Ruby itself a little bit Unicode-aware, by sticking the following in config/environment.rb:

$KCODE = 'u'

We also need to tell ActiveRecord that the connection it should open to MySQL should be UTF-8 encoded. This is done by putting the following in each of your database stanzas in config/database.yml:

encoding: utf8

Finally, from a setup perspective, we need to migrate the current database to one which uses UTF-8 encoding internally. This is what I consider to be my ‘smart’ bit. :-) Create yourself a migration:

script/generate migration make_unicode_friendly

then paste in the following code:

class MakeUnicodeFriendly < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def self.up
    alter_database_and_tables_charsets "utf8", "utf8_general_ci"

  def self.down

  def self.alter_database_and_tables_charsets charset = default_charset, collation = default_collation
    case connection.adapter_name
    when 'MySQL'
      execute "ALTER DATABASE #{connection.current_database} CHARACTER SET #{charset} COLLATE #{collation}"

      connection.tables.each do |table|
        execute "ALTER TABLE #{table} CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET #{charset} COLLATE #{collation}"
      # OK, not quite irreversible but can't be done if there's not
      # the code here to support it...
      raise ActiveRecord::IrreversibleMigration.new("Migration error: Unsupported database for migration to UTF-8 support")

  def self.default_charset
    case connection.adapter_name
    when 'MySQL'
      execute("show variables like 'character_set_server'").fetch_hash['Value']

  def self.default_collation
    case connection.adapter_name
    when 'MySQL'
      execute("show variables like 'collation_server'").fetch_hash['Value']

  def self.connection

This migrates the current database to using UTF-8 with general, case-insensitive collation, which affects the creation of future tables. It also updates each of the current tables, converting their contents to UTF-8 too.

And it’s reversible. Well, mostly. It makes the assumption that the previous character set you were using was the server’s default (which, unless you explicitly specified a character set/collation upon creation will be the case), and reverts back to that. Of course, a backward migration may well be lossy, so you want to be careful trying that.

The next bit is the tricky one. Most of the Ruby string functions aren’t Unicode-aware. They’ll quite happily slice up multi-byte characters. Fortunately edge rails now extends String to provide a chars method which returns an ActiveSupport::Multibyte::Chars object. It walks like a string and talks like a string, but is multibyte aware. Nice. Apparently there’s active work going on in the core to get internal Rails stuff to use this new functionality, so hopefully it should be pretty good soon.

Hopefully it should be good enough for me to use just now…

A Sneak Peek at
The Internet

If you enjoyed this article, you might be interested in my new project, A Sneak Peek at The Internet. What happens when you enter www.facebook.com into your web browser and hit return? A Sneak Peek at The Internet will take you on a deep dive through the network stack, from HTTP, SSL, TCP and IP, all the way down through the data link layer, back up to Facebook's data centres, and then on the return journey back to the browser.

There's more fun, excitement and peril than a Disneyland rollercoaster!