
Trees are a very useful data structure for modelling real world entities. You can use them to model an organisation’s logical structure (teams, tribes, squads, departments, etc) or you can use them to model a building’s physical structure (campuses, buildings, floors, rooms, etc). You can use them to model conversations (nested comments). The possibilities are endless.

The trouble with hierarchical data like this is that it doesn’t fit terribly well into our traditional relational data model, where we’re operating over a set of data which matches some particular constraint. It’s OK if the depth of the tree is fixed. So, if for example, we had a rigid model for our hierarchy which represented locations (a room on a floor within a building, say), then it’s straightforward to write queries for that data. Let’s say we wanted to find out which room a computer was in:

SELECT building, floor, room
FROM computers, locations buildings, locations floors, locations rooms
WHERE     = 'Arabica'
  AND computers.room_id  =
  AND rooms.location_id  =
  AND floors.location_id =

Unfortunately, here the structure of the tree is baked right into the query. If we wanted to change the model – say to break rooms out into individual desk locations – then we’d have to change the queries and other code to accommodate that. Since trees of arbitrary depth and flexible structure are so useful, people have come up with a few ways to shoehorn them into a SQL database model:

  • Adjacency model is where the nearest ancestor of a particular row (the parent) has its id recorded on each of its children. Each child winds up with a parent_id column which refers to its immediate parent. This seems like a clean, natural, solution from a programming perspective but, in practice it performs poorly and is hard to manage.

  • Materialised Path model is where each node in the tree has a column which stores its entire ancestral path, from the root node, down to its parent. These are typically stored a string and encoded with delimeters so they’re easy to search on. If we have a structure along the lines of A -> B -> C (that is, C is a child of B who, in turn, is a child of A), then C’s path column might be A/B.

  • Nested Sets are slightly more complex to contemplate. Each node is given a “left” number and a “right” number. These numbers define a range (or interval) which encompasses the ranges of all its children. To continue with the example above, A might have an interval of (1, 5), B could have an interval of (2, 4) and C could have a short interval of (3, 3). This particular representation is great for searching subtrees, but inserting a new node can potentially cause half the nodes in tree to need to be rebalanced (i.e. have their intervals recalculated).

There’s also a twist on the Nested Sets model, called the nested interval model, where the nodes are given two numbers that represent the numerator and denominator of a fraction, but it doesn’t seem so popular, and was too complex to wrap my head around!

Each of these models have their advantages and disadvantages, both in terms of their data representation, and in terms of the performance of common operations. Some are blazingly fast for INSERTs, for example, while making it unnecessarily hard to perform common queries. Choosing the right one depends on your workload. (The good news, though, is that you can always migrate your data from one pattern to another, if it turns out your real life workload requires it.)

PostgreSQL Arrays

For the current project I’m working on, I decided that the materialised path pattern would probably be the most appropriate for our particular workload. And it gave me a good excuse to try out an idea that’s been on my todo list for a couple of years now: using PostgreSQL’s native array type to store the materialised path.

An Example

Let’s work through a wee example to see it in action. Our application has a hierarchical tree of nodes. There can be multiple root nodes (that is, nodes without any ancestors), and each node simply has a name (which is required). You can find the sample app up on GitHub: tree which includes a bit of UI to play around with it, too. One thing to note is that we’re dependent upon the postgres_ext gem to handle the conversion between PostgreSQL and native array types. Let’s start with the migration:

class CreateNodes < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def change
    create_table :nodes do |t|
      t.string  :name, null: false
      t.integer :path, null: false, array: true, default: []

      t.timestamps null: false

    add_index :nodes, :path, using: 'gin'

It’s handy that ActiveRecord 4.x supports creating array types. So here we have:

  • An integer id. This does also work with uuid-style ids, but there are a few more hoops to jump through.

  • An array of integers as the path. This represents our materialised path of the ancestors of each node. It can’t be NULL, but defaults to the empty array, which is how we represent a root of a tree (no ancestors).

  • Timestamps, as usual, because it’s easier to go with the flow. :)

  • A Generalised Inverted Index (GIN) on the path column, which I’ll explain in more detail later. Suffice to say, this means all our common operations on the tree should hit an index, so should be ‘fast enough’.

Let’s now think of some of the queries we might like to ask our tree. In each of these cases, I’m keen for the resulting class to be an ActiveRecord::Relation, since that way a client of the code can further refine the search. (Say for example, I wanted to search a particular subtree for all the nodes that had a green name, I could chain together, node.subtree.where('name LIKE ?', '%green%').)

Finding Nodes

We’d probably like to get a list of the root nodes – after all, we’ve got to start somewhere. What would that look like?

class Node < ActiveRecord::Base
  def self.roots
    where(path: [])

Which is just asking for all the nodes which have an empty array for the path.

Now that we’ve got an initial node to work from, what kinds of queries might we want to do on it? Well, we might want to find the root of the tree that contains it:

def root
  if root_id = path.first

That is, the first id in the path is the root of the tree. If there is one (i.e. it’s not an empty array), then look up the row with that primary key. If the array is empty, we’re already on the root node, so can just return ourselves. Finding the parent of the current node is similar:

def parent
  if parent_id = path.last

The difference here is that if there’s no parent, we return nil. We can also quickly find all the ancestors:

def ancestors
  if path.present?
    self.class.where(id: path)

Dead simple: load up the rows with the primary keys of all the ancestors. In order to maintain consistency of always returning an ActiveRecord::Relation I had to use the special ‘null relation’ here which, when executed, always returns an empty set. Checking for siblings is straightforward, too; they have the same path as the current node:

def siblings
  self.class.where(path: path)

and direct children have the current node’s path concatenated with its own id:

def children
  self.class.where(path: path + [id])

The next one is a little more interesting. In order to find all the descendants of a particular node (that is, the children, and the children’s children and so on) we’re looking for any nodes that contain the current node’s id anywhere within its path. Fortunately, PostgreSQL has just such an operator, so we can do:

def descendants
  self.class.where(":id = ANY(path)", id: id)

The N+1 Problem

There is a snag with all of this, though. While the individual queries are simple, efficient, and hit indexes, they’re not minimising the number of SQL queries generated in the first place. Logically, in one of my views, I want to display a nested list of the nodes and their children. In the controller I load up the root nodes:

def index
  @nodes = Node.roots

Then in my app/views/nodes/index.html.erb view, I’d like to do:

  <%= render @nodes %>

and in app/views/nodes/_node.html.erb I can simply do:

  <%= link_to, node %>

  <% if node.children.present? %>
      <%= render node.children %>
  <% end %>

Nice, clean, tidy view code, right? The trouble is that it’s got the classic N+1 problem of SQL statements being generated: one to load the root nodes, and one for each descendant of each root node! We could have retrieved all the appropriate data with a single query, but that means reconstructing the tree from a flat set of rows we got back from PostgreSQL. Doing that sort of thing in the view would be hienous.

In Theory

Here’s what I’d like to do:

@nodes = Node.roots.eager_load(:descendants)

which would load the root nodes, and would eager load all the descendant nodes. It would be able to insert them into the children relation of each appropriate node, and mark that relation as having already been loaded, just like eager loading of associations that we’re used to with ActiveRecord.

I have a sneaking suspicion that such a thing is possible. In fact, I suspect that the machinery is already mostly in place, in ActiveRecord::Associations::Preloader. So, a question: can it be done using the existing ActiveRecord code? If so, how?

A Sneak Peek at
The Internet

If you enjoyed this article, you might be interested in my new project, A Sneak Peek at The Internet. What happens when you enter into your web browser and hit return? A Sneak Peek at The Internet will take you on a deep dive through the network stack, from HTTP, SSL, TCP and IP, all the way down through the data link layer, back up to Facebook's data centres, and then on the return journey back to the browser.

There's more fun, excitement and peril than a Disneyland rollercoaster!