Following on from Ruby Timeout Woes, Part 1, I started digging into how Ruby’s timeout mechanism worked this morning, in order to get to the bottom of a bug we’ve got.

Let me give you a little context. We use Delayed Job to run some of our longer running tasks. Delayed job wraps all its jobs in a timeout, which we’ve set to 20 minutes. That’s a good thing: I don’t really want a job running forever and, consequently, tying up one of our workers forever. So, we’ve got Delayed Job wrapping arbitrary code in Ruby’s built in Timeout. What can possibly go wrong?

Well, it turns out that, for one particular job, the timeout mechanism wasn’t working, and the job was carrying on well past the 20 minute timeout we’d set. Worse still, when a running job exceeds the maximum run time, Delayed Job will assume that the entire worker died, break the lock and hand the job to another worker. So we wound up with every single delayed job worker in our cluster running the same job, to completion, no matter how long it took.

Suboptimal, eh?

I started digging into Delayed Job, our code, and the Timeout implementation to see if I could figure out what was going wrong. Delayed Job is doing fine, nothing unusual there. The Timeout implementation is interesting. It creates a separate thread, which then sleeps for the timeout length. If the main thread completes its block before the timeout, it just kills the timeout thread and carries on happily. However, if the timeout thread wakes up before the main thread has completed execution, then it raises an exception on the main thread. The timeout method catches that exception on the main thread, tidies up and raises a Timeout::Error exception.

There are a few problems with that implementation (every call to Timeout.timeout creates a new thread, and it makes use of Thread.raise and Thread.kill which, as Charles Nutter pointed out a few years back is a little broken), but we’ll gloss over them for now. That’s not what was causing my woes today. Let’s reduce the problem to a simple example:

require 'timeout'

puts "#{}: Starting"
  Timeout.timeout(5) do
      sleep 10
    rescue Exception => e
      puts "#{}: Caught an exception: #{e.inspect}"
    sleep 10
rescue Timeout::Error => e
  puts "#{}: Timeout: #{e}"
  puts "#{}: Never timed out."

Let’s see what happens when we run that wee snippet:

Tue Aug 30 13:38:56 +0100 2011: Starting
Tue Aug 30 13:39:01 +0100 2011: Caught an exception: #<#<Class:0x1001337f0>: execution expired>
Tue Aug 30 13:39:11 +0100 2011: Never timed out.

The inside rescue block is catching some exception after the timeout has expired, but the one expecting the timeout error never gets it. That’s down to the implementation of Timeout. When the timer thread reawakened, it threw an exception on the main thread. The exception it threw on the main thread inherits from Exception, so anything that catches Exception will catch it before it bubbles back up the stack to the timeout method. So, while we’ve timed out the inner block, we’ve neutered the overall effect of the timeout method.

Lessons learned:

  • Catching generic StandardError exceptions is crazy enough, but you probably never want to catch Exception. PS, library authors, your exceptions should inherit from StandardError, not Exception.

  • Ruby’s built in Timeout mechanism is crazy in a whole new and interesting way, too. Be careful how you use it.

A Sneak Peek at
The Internet

If you enjoyed this article, you might be interested in my new project, A Sneak Peek at The Internet. What happens when you enter into your web browser and hit return? A Sneak Peek at The Internet will take you on a deep dive through the network stack, from HTTP, SSL, TCP and IP, all the way down through the data link layer, back up to Facebook's data centres, and then on the return journey back to the browser.

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